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Winter 2023 Dune & Beach Restoration

What is the project? DBR is working to renourish the northern end of Duxbury Beach by adding sand to the beach and dune along 2,750ft to increase the width and height of the barrier beach.  The project extends from Duxbury Beach Park to the Powder Point Bridge. We will plant beach grass and shrubs and redo pedestrian pathways to strengthen the dune and decrease vulnerability.

Why is it important? The beach and dune are extremely narrow in this area, making it vulnerable to storms and overwash. This project will strenthen the beach to better protect much of the recreational infrastructure (parking lots and buildings), the saltmarsh, Duxbury Bay, and the Duxbury mainland.  The project adds sand to a sand-starved system which will travel south and help protect all of Duxbury Beach – in turn protecting parts of Kingston, Duxbury, and Plymouth and associated bays.

What is the project status? Currently, we are working with Duxbury Construction and Woods Hole Group to construct and monitor the project. All sand import and grading will be completed by April 1, 2023.

How much will it cost? Total project cost is approximately $2.4 million. Total cost will be partially dependent on cost of material and total tons of sand needed to build the project following any new storms and erosion.

How will we pay for it? With the community’s support, we've $450,000 towards this project. DBR also secured $190,000 through a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant and $1.8 million through a MA Coastal Zone Management Coastal Resilience Grant. Community support will help secure the required funds for this $2.4 million dollar project.

Why Support Dune & Beach Restoration? During these turbulent times, we are seeing communities come together to meet challenges.  We are asking the Duxbury Beach community to do so now.  You can help build a stronger and more resilient Duxbury Beach.   

Your support will allow DBR to continue much needed beach and dune restoration - this time at the northern end of Duxbury Beach.  Dune and beach renourishment at Duxbury Beach Park will strengthen all of the barrier beach by adding sediment to a sand-starved system.  The work will directly protect the roadway, parking lots, and Blakeman's as well as the valuable salt marsh behind it. Taking proactive steps in vulnerable areas of the beach is vital as climate change impacts increase along the coast.   

You can help drive these coastal resilience protection efforts forward by becoming a Duxbury Beach supporter.  


Photo by Stewart Ting Chong

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