Duxbury Beach Reservation is driven by its mission to preserve Duxbury Beach as a natural protective barrier, invaluable ecological habitat, and amazing public resource for year-round enjoyment. And we are so grateful to all of the community members who give their time and expertise. Our fall volunteer profile spotlights Mike Kane, who has shown a tireless commitment to protecting Duxbury Beach and our coastal ecosystems as a whole.

1. Why do you choose to volunteer at Duxbury Beach Reservation?
I choose to volunteer at DBR because we have a shared interest and passion for keeping Duxbury Beach free of plastic and other marine debris.
2. How did you first get involved with Duxbury Beach Reservation?
I first got involved with DBR through the annual Massachusetts COASTWEEP beach cleanup. I picked up the coordination of this event back in 2016 when the prior coordinators stepped down and shortly after joined forces with DBR. Together, with the help of the amazing people at DBR and so many enthusiastic volunteers, we have been able to remove over 15,500 pieces of marine debris totaling 7.5 tons during the COASTSWEEP event over the last 4 years.
3. What has been your favorite project to work on with Duxbury Beach Reservation?
My favorite project has been the beach cleanup mainly because seeing plastic on the beach literally burns my soul. Seeing all of the plastic removed during this event makes me incredibly happy. I also love participating in the grass planting events. Both events provide such a great sense of community and give volunteers an opportunity to make a difference and do something positive for our beautiful beach.
4. What do you wish other people knew about Duxbury Beach Reservation?
There are some very bright people working behind the scenes year-round to preserve and protect this beautiful stretch of land and water. The important work they are doing helps ensure Duxbury Beach is well taken care so that people and marine wildlife alike can continue to enjoy the benefits of the beach for many years to come.
5. What is your favorite spot on Duxbury Beach?
It’s so hard to choose, there are so many cool areas. If I had to pick one spot it would probably be on the beach side during low tide when the sun is setting and a full moon is rising…and it’s 80 degrees…(with a light breeze).
6. What do you do when you aren’t volunteering?
When I’m not volunteering I’m busy being a Dad for my 11 and 9 year old kids and working as a technical project manager for a global healthcare company. I’m also a solo acoustic guitar performer and play shows at least monthly in the area.
Interested in volunteering with Duxbury Beach Reservation? Fill out one of our volunteer surveys or email info@duxburybeachreservation.org.